This exhibition draws out tendencies that circulate among the artists of Halifax Regional Municipality and its environs, suggesting patterns of artistic affiliation as well as rifts. Individual artists from a range of career stages and practices were invited to nominate a work by another artist for presentation. Nominated artists, in turn, selected a work by their nominator. Each then contributed a text responding to aesthetic and thematic qualities of the work they selected. An illustrated catalogue containing the texts accompanies the exhibition. Artists include: Gerard Choy, Frances Dorsey, Wilma Needham, Peter Dykhuis, Drew Klassen, Ivan Murphy, Geri Nolan-Hilfiker, Susan McEachern, Dan O’Neill, Ariella Pahlke, Jan Peacock, Mathew Reichertz, Leah Garnett, Joyan Saunders & Kathleen Tetlock, Gary Wilson, and Robert Zingone.

- This exhibition has passed.