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Jane Everett: Understory

April 4, 2020 - May 24, 2020

Understory is an immersive mixed media installation that evokes the feeling of standing amongst the grand forests of the British Columbian interior. The large-scale charcoal drawings of Lodgepole Pine, Ponderosa, and Douglas Fir trees sway slightly in response to air currents in the gallery, evoking the canopy of these monstrous, seemingly ageless trees. Notions of human incursions upon nature— hydroelectric lines, communication towers and the effects of invasive species like the pine beetle—seep into the drawings, hinting at the fragility of the wilderness. Everett lives and works in Kelowna, BC.

This exhibition was cancelled due to MSVU Art Gallery’s closure in response to COVID-19

Interview with Jane Everett

Audio Companion



April 4, 2020
May 24, 2020
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